Try This: Radish Chips

I think radishes are totally underrated.Radish Chips 002I haven’t always felt this way.  I certainly did not grow up eating radishes, and while I do remember that they were one of “those things” that Daddy liked but “we” didn’t, I have no memory of ever actually trying them.

The first time in my entire life that I was ever aware of eating a radish then was last spring when I did a 3-day detox meal plan from Maria Marlowe, and one of the salad recipes called for them.  At that time, I discovered that I actually like these crunchy, peppery little guys!

If radishes aren’t yet a part of your rotation, give them a shot!  My favorite way to eat them these days is what I call Radish Chips.

Radish chips can be either raw or roasted.  As is the case with most root vegetables, roasting makes them more tender and sweet than their raw counterparts.

To Make
All you do is slice a handful of radishes thinly and toss them with olive oil and salt.   I like to eat them raw at this point, but if you want to roast them, you can do so in a 375 degree oven for about 10 minutes on each side (or a little longer if you want them pretty crispy…just be careful not to burn them!).

Roasted Radish ChipsAnd of course you can add your seasonings of choice, to either the raw or roasted version!  Pictured above are roasted radish chips with the following seasonings (clockwise from top): cumin, plain (just salt), oregano, and turmeric.

Weigh in on radishes in the comments–do you love ’em or hate ’em?

This post is part of a series on the blog called Try This, providing new or interesting ways to prepare and enjoy a staple vegan food.  They’re not really recipes, just fun ideas!  Other posts in the series:
Try This: Banana Breakfast “Burritos”
Try This: Chili Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Try This: Tofu Bacon

Have a great weekend everyone!  Go Seahawks!

11 thoughts on “Try This: Radish Chips

  1. I love this series! Anything that I can turn in to a chip sounds great. I happen to love the bite that radishes have. I just can never find interesting ways to eat it except in salads and even then I don’t eat as much as they sell in the grocery stores, so inevitably some go to waste. Next time, the extras will be used for this for sure!

    • That’s actually what led me to this idea–there are so many in the bag at the grocery store that I could never get through them all, but now I eat them all, and that bag is empty quickly!

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